Monday, September 3, 2007

1st entry (Meg Murry)CH 1-4

Ch 1 Dear diary,
It was so dark and scary in the attic, where I slept, and the conditions were bad. As the saying goes:  It doesn't rain, it pours. Everything 
must come down on me, Meg Murry. Why must everything go wrong for me? Most things I did was all wrong! Take school for an example. Just today my teachers had insulted me being stupid, and during lunch, one of the girls said I still act like a baby. I just can't get things right! My anger always gets the best of me! I wish there was someway to curb my anger. Coming back from school I fought with a boy for saying Charles, my dear Charles, was dumb. Mother and Father were the only ones who believed Charles and I weren't stupid, it was just that our minds were slow in developing, and they proved it with a couple of IQ tests. That made me feel slightly better. But the only ting was Father had not come back since the last time he left us. I remebered something when I heard Fortinbras bark. He wouldn't bark for no reason. I remembered that a tramp had stolen Mrs. Buncombe's sheets and I thought that the tramp was heading towards our house. At that time I already left my little room, and headed for the shadows of the main attic. After going through her siblings' rooms, I headed to the kitchen to make myself some cocoa.When I got there, Charles Wallace was there first. He told me that he knew I'd be down. But how did he know? He already heated the milk up for me. Charles always could tell what me and Mother's thoughts were, but he doesn't seem to care what the twins were thinking.
Charles then made a lettuce-tomato sandwich for me. I noticed that there was twice than enough milk. He told me that Mother would like some. A second later, Mother was down. How did he do it? It was amazing how he probed me and Mother's mind with amazing accuracy. After a talk with Mother and Charles, Fortinbras was still barking. And Mother went to have a look.
she saw a person bundled in clothes, impossible to tell whether he/she is a woman or a man. Again, Charles knew who she was. He called her Mrs. Whatsit. Somehow, he knew Mrs. Buncombe sheets were stolen by she and her two friends. Ms Whatsit comes sitting in the kitchen and keeps talking. The only signficant part is when she mentions the word 'tesseract' What was a tesseract? Whatever it was, Mother took great interest in it.

Ch 2 Dear diary,
I woke up wen my alarm clock went off. I kept thinking what happened last nght was a dream. I pondered what Mrs.Whatsit said that made Mother frightened and upset. I got up and made my bed. I met my mother downstairs, and she said sorry for showing she was upset.But still, what ws a tesseract? 
School today was harsh for me, my teacher asked me questions and I failed to answer them. Angry for being laughed at, I said rude things, and it was off to the principal for me. The principal talked about my father and made snide remarks about him. When I got home, Charles wanted me to go with him to see Mrs. Whatsit. Along the way Charles has a chat with me, and I ask him about him being able to read me and Mother's minds. Charles says he understands a sort of language, like if he concentrates, he is able to understand the wind talking to the trees.
Then ahead of us, Fortinbras barked loudly to signify that someone was in front. At the edge of the woods was a boy. I recognised him as Calvin O'Keefe, a grade eleventh junior in Regional. . Charles and Calvin had a small dispute over why ,who was supposed to be a moron, became so smart in talking. After the dispute, we three went on to look up Mrs. Whatsit. 
At her house door, seated on a Boston rocker, was another old woman who was not Mrs. Whatsit. NOw, nsuprisingly, Charles Wallace again knew her name: Mrs.Who. Mrs. Who was a woman who spoke fluently in many languages, and loved to translate.
Charles also knew it was her who truly stole Mrs.Buncombe's sheets, but he wasn't sure why she stole them.
Mrs. Who also said something about Father needing help. fter the talk with Mrs. Who, Calvin went with me and Charles back home.

Ch3 Dear Diary:
In the forest evening was going to fall, and we walked in silence. What happened this afternoon was the most impossible and confusing afternoon of my life. But amazingly I don't feel upset anymore, I only feel happy. When we got back to the house, Mother was doing an experiment with a weird blue fluid, while cooking stew over a bunsen burner. Calvin gladly stayed for dinnerand told me how lucky I was to have such a great mother like mine. Before dinner, Mother sked me to do my homework, and coincidentally, Calvin needed to do his too, so Mother asked me to help him with the tough questions. Calvin was surprised as he was a few grades above me, and he thought I wouldn't understand the problems, but I proved him wrongby showing him how to do his Math problems. Calvin found out that the problem with me and Maths is that, when Father and me played with numbers, I learnt far too many shortcuts, so when the school wants us to do the long way around, I get sullen and stubborn and won't listen. Later on, Charles insisted that Calvin carry him to bed and read to him. While doing my homework, I noticed that Mother was troubled, and she told me that she missed Father, and thinks that all that recently happened is related to him.  After a long talk with Mother, Calvin came down from upstairs, and asked Meg to take a walk with him. Mother then used this excuse to delay talking to me about what a tesseract was. During the walk with Calvin, he wanted to clarify things about Mother and Father, and so I told him. Then while they were talking halfway, Charles popped out of the house and wanted go somewhere, not specified, but he thinks it's to find Father. Then out of nowhere came Mrs. Who and Mrs. Whatsit. Soon, Mrs. Who and Mrs. Whatsit started to bicker, and then came a voice, whom Charles recognised as Mrs. Which.

Ch4 Dear Diary,
WHile we were on the move, the trees lashed into a violent frenzy. I screamed loudly and clutched at Calvin, but Mrs. Which's authorative voice called for me to stop screaming. Did the moon simply go out, extinguished as abruptly and completely as a candle? The sound of rustling leaves was still there, but all light had gone. Darkness was complete. Suddenly the world was sound. I felt Calvin being torn away from her, I tried reaching for him, but my fingers touched nothing.I felt lonely, helpless and weak. i screamed for Charles but there was no response. I was completely alone, I had lost the protection of Calvin's hand and Charles was nowhere.Then all of a sudden I felt my limbs again, they were tingling faintly, but I was still lost in a horrifiying void. I kept thinking that I was asleep. I told myself to wake up. It was then I heard CHarles Wallace speak. I was so grateful to hear his voice. Me, Charles and Calvin found each other and asked Mrs. Which where were we. She said we were in Uriel, the third planet of the star, Malak in the spiral nebula Messier 101. What kind of name for a place was that? Mrs. Whatsit explained to us that from Earth, we tessered to Uriel, or in other words, we wrinkled to Uriel.Only Charles seemed to understand, not me and Calvin. Nevertheless, we continued with our journey. Mrs.Whatsit changed or metaph-something. Yes, she metamorphosed into a creature that looked like a horse, but was not a horse at the same time. It, no she looked like one of those Greek centaurs in mytyhlogy. We all rode on her back and heard creatures that looked like Mrs. Whatsit transformed. They were singing a in a language only Charles could comprehend. Then we came to a point where Mrs. Whatsit made a full stop, and let out a call, in which one of the creatures near them fetched three flowers from a tree growing at the river. Mrs. Whatsit then received the flowers and gave one each to Charles, me and Calvin. We started going up a mountain, in which the air got thinner for every 100 meters we go up. I felt very scared that I would dorp the flowers, which I knew would help later on. When we reached a certain point, Mrs. Whatsit, told us to breathe through the flowers. At that point I was glad that I didn't drop the flower. The flower did not give us a lot of air, but it was enough to survive on. We reached the summit sooner than I thought. Beyond the summit Isaw the most amzing thing I have seen in my life. It was a great white disc, one of Uriel's moons, said Mrs. Whatsit. Then we turned behind and saw the black thing, what my father was fighting. I felt so afraid at that time.

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