Monday, September 3, 2007

2nd entry (Meg Murry) Ch 5-6

I began to cry when I heard my father was behind the darkness, but could not get to him. Mrs. Which announced that we were going to have to tesser again(Which I still do not understand). I told Mrs.Who who explained what tessering meant. After she explained throughly, I still did not get it. It was only when Charles went through it with her she got a little of it. 
Calvin got enough for him to understand the basic of tessering, but did not get enough to know it like Charles.
Then suddenly, without warning, coming as a complete and unexpected shock,  I felt a pressure I never 
imagined, as though I was being rolled over by a steam roller. There was no need to breathe, my lungs were 
squeezed together so there was no way the lungs could expand or contract. This was completely different than my last time at tesseling. But then I heard a voice that said we couldn't stop here as this was a two-dimensional planet.I was whizzed into nothingness again, and nothingness was great. Mrs. Which then apologized
for almost killing them. Mrs. Which explained that we were in Orion's Belt, and that they had a friend they want us to meet with. We moved along to an entrance that led to a deep, dark cavern. Then Calvin asked Mrs. Whatsit how old she was. Mrs. Whatsit then murmured to herself, then nodded truimphantly and said 2379152497 years 8 months, and 3 days, in our calender, which was terribly unaccurate for them. Sonn they came to a bonfire, which Mrs. Whatsit asked 'her' (whom I don't know who is this yet). As we approached the fire, we could see a dark shadow, a shadow of a woman, the Happy Medium(what Mrs. Whatsit called her). She was told by Mrs. Whatsit to show us our homeplanet, Earth. It was covered by the black thing, the thing we saw at the summit of the mountain at Uriel. The 3 Mrs.w's explained everything clearly to us, and told us about Earth's past fighters. They elaborated on where our father was, which made me very excited. Again, the Happy Medium raised the crystal ball high in the air,and with a agonizing voice, told us to look into the crystal ball. I was very nervous at that time, worrying about what I was going  to see.

Ch6 Dear Diary,
We focused our eyes on the crystal ball again, and seeing the Thing once again. But this time, the Thing seemed to seethe and writhe. But I don't understand. Was this supposed to comfort them? Suddenly there was a great burst of light through the darkness. It spread out until the darkness was gone,and there was only a gentle shining, and through the shining came the stars, clear and pure. No shadows, no fear, only stars and the clear darkness of space. very different from  the darknesss of the thing. Mrs. Whatsit said that it was a star that gave out the light, when it was giving up its life to win the battle. Mrs Whick said softly that it wasn't so long after Mrs. Whatsit sacrificed her life. At first I did not know what she meant, but then a second later,
 I realised that Mrs. Whatsit was once a star before, and she sacrificed her life to win the battle.
Charles understood a second before me. And he gave Mrs. Whatsit a kiss.
I asked Mrs. Whatsit what were we going to do next. As I asked too many questions at once, she just told me to ask one at a time, but did not reply me. I insisted that me and Calvin should see our mothers first before we leave. The Happy Medium gladly showed us with her crystal ball. After looking into the crystal ball, I decided to get a move on, me, Charles, and Calvin kissed the Happy Medium for good luck. Once again, they tessered to the planet that has given in(Or Camazotz, as Mrs. Whatsit calls it).  Before for us three set off into the townof Camazotz, Mrs. Whatsit each gave us a hint, for me an extra gift. To me, my faults, which will come in handy in the journey. To Calvin a hint. She recited the Shakespeare's work:The tempest. Only charles and Calvin knew what she was talking about. And finally, to Charles, the resilience of his childhood, a reminder too, that he does not know every thing, but there is a great deal of things he knows. The gift for me was Mrs. Who's thick glasses, she says to use them as a last resort. With that, Mrs. Which commanded us to go into the town of Camazotz, and to go together, and not to let the people separate us.  In town, in front of the houses all the children was playing. I noticed that they were all playig with the same rhythm. Children who bounced the ball all bounced the ball at the same speed and timing. The same goes for skipping rope. But there was  one specific boy who was out of rhythm with the rest, his mother saw him, grabbed the little boy and rushed indoors with him. His ball dropped from 
his finger and rolled out into the streets. Charles went after the ball and took it to their house. The door opened ad Charles had a talk with the mother, and with the ball in his hands, the little boy grabbed it back. The door slammed, and so did the rest of the houses. And so we went on deeper into town. We ran into a paper boy who threw the papers with amazing accuracy and consistency. Charles asked him a few questions, and the paper boy was getting suspicious, until he thought we were some kind of examiner to inspect the town. That and Charles brisk and stern voice scared him away. The boy had mentioned something called CENTRAL Intelligence, and Charles decided to head that way. They kept heading straight, and shortly ended up at what they thought must be CENTRAL Central Intelligence. We were about to go in when Calvin grabed Charles and my hand and told us to remember when we first me, he(Calvin) had a compulsion to go to Mrs.Whatsit's house, this time, he had another feeling that if we went in, we were headed to terrible danger. I shuddered when he said it. I was scared, no, petrified when I heard Calvin.

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