Monday, September 3, 2007

Final entry(Meg Murry) Ch 7-12

Ch 7 Dear diary,
Charles said that this mission was already going to be dangerous, and we need not fear. For the first time in my life, I doubted him. Calvin himself said only he should go in the CENTRAL Central Intelligence, but we refused to let him go alone. In the end, we decided to hold hands and go together. We entered the building's door, it was huge! But somehow, this place felt unsafe and dangerous to me, It was as if something really
bad was waiting to happen. We continued holding hands until we reached a blank wall, not knowing what to do in this building, we asked a gent what was the procedure around here. The man got very suspicious when we asked him too many questions, so he decided to report us or risk
himself what? Yes. Risk himself being reproccesed. He placed a card on the blank wall and the wall disappeared, in it was a room full of machines, as we approached the end of the room, before us was a chair, and on the chair was a man. He spoke to us. His voice was knid and gentle, unlike the coldness and darkness when we plunged through the Black Thing. Charles Wallace, while walking through the room just now, said that somebody was getting into his mind, could that somebody be this man? I was sure of it. While Charles and Calvin spoke to the man, I stared at the man, his eyes were bright and had a reddish glow, above his head was a light, it glowed in the same manner as the eyes, pulsing in steady rhythm. Just then, I heard Charles Wallace suggesting violence if the Man with red eyes dared hypnotized him. It was a first for Charles. He was usually gentle and kind, but in order to protect me and Calvin, he actually suggested violence. Upon hearing Charles, he was amused, then four men appeared and flanked all of us. He then talked to us, and then started saying the multiplication tables, and Charles, he started saying nursery rhymes, then speeches, for what I don't know. It was as though they were having a mind battle. Suddenly, I screamed out 'Father', and my mind was out of the darkness. The man with red eyes broke into laughter and said we passed the preliminary test. What preliminary test? I thought. I then looked up at the man, and asked him where Father was. He said some things, but I knew he wasn't going to help me unless we did him a favor or something. Suddenly, Charles Wallace stepped right up to him and punched him fairly hard. The four men was almost on him immediately, but the man signaled them away.The man asked Charles why he did that, and Charles said that somebody was controlling him. The man then asked Charles to try find out who he was. Charles Wallace then looked deep into his eyes to see who was controlling him, even when he didn't get our consent. Charles Wallace began his slow walk forward. I screamed, and lunged at Charles to stop him. Charles opened his eyes again, shook his head, and sat up. I was so glad he was all right. The man looked very annoyed at me for interfering with his plans. I retorted and said that if he is going to be horrible to us, we might as well get something to eat first. Once again, the man broke into laughter and said that I was very amusing. He then offered to feed if I won't interfere with his plans. Of course I refused his 'kind' offer. I would never betray my home for treaties. Charles was now fully conscious, and asked the man to get on. I offered to do it, but the man said my neurological system was not as complex as Charles, which would result in my brain exploding. 5 minutes later, the four men brought a table in, on it was a metal box. When the man opened it. There was a full turkey dinner in it. Charles said it was safe to eat. and I believed him. Me and Calvin sat down and ate, it tasted all right. But to Charles it tasted like sand to him, as he shut his mind out to the man with red eyes. Charles was very grumpy as he had to eat something that tasted like sand. The man made a deal with him to say that if Charles went into his mind, he would tell us where Father was. In order to save Father and to get rid of the Black Thing, he agreed to the deal. I went into hysterics when I heard that Charles, my dear Charles, was about to risk his life like Mrs. Whatsit as a star. Charles concentrated very hard on the man's eyes, his eyes was engulfed in a light again, all the black in his eyes became blue. Charles then turned to me and smiled sweetly. One look and I could tell that he wasn't Charles. Charles was being controlled, just like the man with red eyes. I was devastated that Charles was gone.

Ch8 Dear Diary,
Charles Wallace sat on the table tucking away the turkey dinner as though it was the most delicious thing he had ever tasted. He was everything like Charles Wallace, just that his eyes was different from the real Charles. His character was also different. After a lot of ruckus, the man said that the new and deproved Charles would lead us to where Father was. We moved down a white and seemingly endless corridor until we reached a wall, which Charles put his hand up to, and Charles walked through it, we followed suit. Charles told us he just rearranged the atoms of the wall to create a space to walk through. We came to an elevator and went up. When we reached the top. we went straight and saw the boy who dropped his ball earlier in the afternoon. He was bouncing the ball and each time the ball bounces on the floor, he screamed in pain. We went deeper into the corridor after seeing the boy being taught not to deviate. We entered another small room, and in the center of the room was a large, round, and transparent column, and in it was a man. I recognized him almost immediately. I screamed 'Father!'

Ch9 Dear diary
I rushed to the man imprisoned in the column, who I knew was Father. I was then flung back as though I crashed into a brick wall. Charles Wallace gave her a evil look and snickered at her. This confirmed that Charles was not the real Charles, whenever she was injured, he would go quickly around my neck and he would press his soft cheek against mine in loving comfort. The man in the column did not seem to look at me. I realized that he could not see me, but I could see him. I tried to lunge at Charles to wake him up just the way I did when we were with the man with red eyes. Charles kept saying if we wanted to save Father, we must go to IT. I kept trying to think of a way other than going to IT him/her/itself. When I almost gave up, I saw Calvin concentrating very hard on Charles, at the same time he was whispering The Tempest softly. For a moment Charles seemed to listen, then he shrugged and turned away. Charles said not to stare at him. Again the shudder went through Charles Wallace. Calvin kept trying to get Charles to come out, but it was as if he was always almost coming out, but won't. At this point in time, I remembered Mrs.Who 's glasses. I took them out and Charles seemed to take a lot of interest in these glasses. He ordered me to give him the glasses. Dream on. I barely had time to take out Mrs. Who's glasses and switch them with my own. She flung herself against the transparent door. She went through it, and she was in the same cell where her father was imprisoned. Charles Wallace also entered the column. He again demanded for the glasses. I kicked at Charles Wallace and ran at the column, and she was through. This was the moment for which I had been waiting for. This was the moment that meant that now and forever everything would be all right. My voice broke into a happy sob. Father was very surprised. We quickly got out f the column, seeing a very grumpy Charles. But then I realized that Father could not see me and Calvin and Charles. I gave him my glasses and almost immediately he could see everything.
He got out first, then got me out.He started talking to Charles as though he was really Charles. I asked him to stop talking to him that way. In the end, we had no choice but to follow Charles to IT. Father had not done anything to save us. And for the first time in my life, I believed that Mrs. Whatsit & Co. had betrayed us and left us here, alone. Calvin was shocked when heard this. He thought that I had given up. With that, he caught up with Mr.Murry and Charles. I didn't mean it! Calvin actually thought I gave up. I, having nothing to say, went to catch up with Calvin and the rest. We followed Charles out of CENTRAL Central Intelligence, then we turned a corner, and at the end of the street, was a strange domelike building, where I was sure IT was waiting for them. At the building, a violet flickering sucked them in them into the building. Inside my body, I felt a rhythmical pulse, as though my heart and lungs had a same rhythm. It was terrible. As we continued to step slowly forward, I realized what IT was. IT was a brain, A disembodied brain. IT was the most horrible, the most repellent thing I had ever seen. I was now beyond fear, and at the same time I was beyond screaming. Mrs. Whatsit said she gave me my faults. Now I have to rely on my faults to save myself. I remembered how Calvin fought the man with red eyes by reciting the Gettysburg address, and how Charles fought the man by reciting nursery rhymes. So I started reciting addresses and nursery rhymes. "Georgie, porgie, pudding and pie, kissed the girls and made them cry'." "We hold the truths to be self-evident!, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." But IT was still too strong. Charles Wallace said something about like and equal. I screamed, 'Like and equal are not the same thing at all!' Then was a moment I had escaped from the power of IT. Then Father asked me to recite the periodic table. That was something. I started reciting the periodic table, 'Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium, Beryllium, Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine, Neon, Sodium, Magnesium, Aluminum, Silicon, Phosphorus." Then Father asked me Maths questions. I answered them confidently, but she couldn't concentrate on the second math problem. Then I heard Calvin shout 'Tesser, sir! Tesser!" I felt Father grabbing my wrist, then the nothing of tessering. The agony of pain finally dissolved into the darkness of complete unconsciousness.

Ch10 Dear Diary,
The first sign of returning consciousness was cold. Then sound. I was aware of voices that seemed to be traveling through her across an arctic waste. Slowly the icy sounds cleared and I realized the voices came from Father and Calvin, not Charles Wallace. I could feel my body, but could not move it. I heard Calvin having a long chat with Father, while I tried desperately to make a signal to them that I was conscious, just that I could not move any part of my body. I realized that I couldn't move my body as it was frozen. I was away from IT. That thought made me feel better. I realized that the Black Thing we passed through while tessering here had made my temper shorter than ever before. I was practically scolding Father, when I shouldn't be. Coming towards us, were three figures that did not look like any sensible creature. They had four arms, and more than five figures for each hand. They had a head but no eyes. They walked to us and looked down at us. A tentacle moved across me with the breeze and I felt a soft, tingling warmth go all all through her that momentarily assuaged her pain.I felt sleepy. The creature picked me up with two of its arms and carried me away, even at Father's refusal.

Ch11 Dear Diary
The tallest beast said 'We frighten you?' who seemed to be the only creature of the three who spoke. The beast said that it spoke better with Calvin. Calvin spoke with the beast for a while, and the beasts ask them about where they came from. The beast also claimed, that it could save me, I struggled in its grip at first, but then relented when it said it could save me. While in it's grip. I thought about what happened just now about IT. Father did do something. With his help, I resisted IT long enough to get away, but I could not hold out for much longer. I realized that the beasts were not smart, they could not understand basic words like 'boy' or 'girl' or 'dark'. When I woke up, all the pain had gone, I was warm and alive. I had been stripped of my clothes, and something warm and pungent was gently being rubbed on her body. I talked nicely to the beast, and it got to know more things about me, and so did I about her. The beast was very gentle in her words. A tentacle touched her delicately, as tender as her mother's kiss. I realized I hadn't ate since the horribly fake turkey dinner given by the man with red eyes. I was so terribly hungry. Then she gave me a filling dinner. In the end, me and the beast decided to call it Aunt Beast. I felt that Aunt Beast had a lot of love for me, like Mrs Whatsit and Charles Wallace. After dinner, I dozed off immediately. I woke up in the morning and felt wonderful. Aunt Beast told me that the place we were on was called Ixchel. She said that her planet was also fighting the Black Thing. Aunt Beast bathed and dressed her in a new garment, which was very light. After that, we went to have breakfast with Calvin and Father. Breakfast was heavenly. After breakfast we tried to call Mrs. Whatsit to Ixchel. After many ways of trying. We finally succeeded. A familiar shout came 'WWEEE ARRE HHERRE!' That was one of the happiest moment of my life.

Ch12 (The final Chapter) Dear diary,
I couldn't see anything, but then the beasts got to their feet, turned toward an arched opening, and greeted Mrs. Whatsit & Co. I told Mrs. Whatsit what happened, and asked her to help. She said she couldn't do anything about Charles as he was on the dark planet, Camazotz. When I heard this, I thought that all was lost and we were all doomed. Father greeted the three witches, and requested them to teach him how to tesser, so that he could get Charles back from IT. But his request was rejected as he knows that he will not succeed. Calvin couldn't go as Charles gone deeper into IT. I understood, the person to save Charles would have to be me. I have to be brave and face IT. Mrs.Which asked me what did I understand, I told her that is has to be me. It can't be anyone else. Even though I don't understand Charles, he understands me. I there was anyone who knew him longer than me, there was only Mother, but she wasn't here, so it had to be me. But Father defiantly disagreed, he won't allow me to go alone into the danger. Then Calvin started being angry. He said IT was right about Mrs.Which,Who and Whatsit being our enemies. Aunt Beast was worried that I wouldn't be able to take the shock of tessering again. Mrs. Whatsit said that if Mrs.Which took me I would be okay. Calvin and Father still thought that Mrs.Whatsit and Co. were on IT's side. Meg became angry at them for saying that when the three Mrs. Ws were evil, but Mrs.Whatsit didn't blame them. What they were doing now was extremely dangerous and risky. But of course Calvin and Father would be worried. Soon we were saying goodbye to each other. I put my arms around Aunt Beast and said 'I love u' Aunt beast also said the same thing back. Calvin came to me and kissed me. I was so surprised and happy at the same time. I liked him from the start. Lastly, I apologized to Father for wanting him to do it all for me. Through this whole journey, I learnt to be brave and independent. I learnt many other things, but I forgot what. Mrs. Whatsit gave me her love, Mrs Who a saying: The foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men. For ye see your calling, brethren, how that many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called, but God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not , to bring to naught things that are. I was very confused after hearing out Mrs. Who. Suddenly, Mrs. Whatsit and Mrs. Who were gone. Mrs.Which had tessered me to Camazotz, before she left me alone, she gave me the most important gift, a hint: I have something that IT has not. This something is my only weapon, but only I myself can find it. Then she left. I felt afraid. I started heading towards the dome that held IT. I got there, and the violet flickering again sucked her in the dome. This time was different, there was no rhythm with my heart and my lungs. IT didn't quite get me. I cleared my eyes of some red liquid and I saw the same brain I saw yesterday. Hideous. IT was IT. I thought to myself: What has IT got that I didn't? I then heard Charles' voice: 'You have got nothing that IT does not have. We knew Mrs. Whatsit would send you. She is our friend, really.' He said it rather coldly. I knew he was lying. I screamed that Charles wrong about Mrs Whatsit.' Charles then said Mrs. Whatsit hates me. That was when IT made ITs fatal mistake. I retorted,'Mrs.Whatsit does not hate me. She loves me!' I knew! Love. That was what IT didn't have that I had. I was sure IT could not withstand love. I cannot bring myself to love IT. But I could love Charles. I could stand there and love Charles Wallace. I thought to myself: Charles. Charles, I love you. My baby brother who always takes care of me. Come back to me, Charles Wallace,come away from IT, come back, come home. I love you Charles. Oh, Charles Wallace I love you. Tears were streaming down my cheeks. I love you . Charles Wallace, you are the darling and my dear and the light of my life and the treasure of my heart. I love you. I love you. I love you. I really wanted Charles back. Slowly his mouth closed. Slowly his eyes stopped their twirling. The tic in the forehead ceased its revolting twitch. Slowly he advanced towards me. I love you, Charles, I love you! I shouted. Soon Charles was running, pelting, he was in arms, he was shrieking in sobs."Meg! Meg! Meg!' Suddenly, a whirl of darkness, then an icy cold blast, and an angry, resentful howl that seemed to tear through me. Through the darkness to save her came a sense of Mrs.Whatsit's presence, so I knew it wasn't IT that had her in its clutches. Charles was shouting,'Meg! You saved me!' over and over again. 'Meg!' came a call, and there were my father and Calvin hurrying through the darkness towards us.Everybody was happy and proud of me. I was so ecstatic at that time. I learnt that people only treasure things when they are gone. And it was so true for my case. I love you Charles. I asked Father where were we, he looked and said that we landed in the twins' vegetable garden, on the broccoli. We four all laughed. Father was running across the lawn, and Mother was running toward him. And then there was a happy jumble of hands and legs and hugging. The old Murrys and Meg and Charles Wallace and the twins, and Calvin grinning by them until Meg pulled him in and Mother gave him a special hug all of his own. Fortinbras could not bear to be left out of the joy, so he launched his body across the lawn and almost knocked everybody over with the exuberance of his greeting. The three Mrs.W's was standing in front of them, and the joy and love were so tangible that I felt that if she only knew where to reach she could touch it with her bare hands. Then there was a gust of wind, and they were gone. I will always miss them, and they will always have a place in my heart. I love you all witches.

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